Review of the book “La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh” written by Emanuele Aliprandi

La guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh
The cover of the book “La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia, Azerbaigian e un popolo alla ricerca della pace” written by Emanuele Aliprandi

Italian and foreign media agencies and publishing houses have directed their attention towards the most pertinent topics, which are widely recognised by the audience. Unfortunately, particularly in Italy, publishing houses tend to prioritise topics of international politics that receive coverage from newspapers and media channels and for years have dedicated less attention to the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh.

As SpecialEurasia has consistently emphasised in relation to its method, it is essential to recognise that not every news or piece of information holds significance in generating reliable intelligence and actionable forecasts.

Nevertheless, given the pivotal role of the Caucasus in the Eurasian geopolitical landscape, it becomes incumbent upon us to engage with relevant literature and research focused specifically on this region.

Therefore, the book written by Emanuele Aliprandi in the Italian language and titled La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia, Azerbaigian e un popolo in cerca della pace (The War for the Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia, Azerbaijan and a people in search for peace) is among our key readings for this Christmas time because the author explored the situation in the South Caucasus, which has attracted the interest of regional and international powers and, also, the Italian government.

“La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh”: A Review

Aliprandi is a renowned expert and researcher of the South Caucasus region, having authored different books and conducted extensive investigations on the subject.

Within the pages of this book, the author meticulously examines the multiple facets that set apart a conflict that endured for over three decades, ultimately concluding in September 2023 when a renewed military offensive by Azerbaijan effectively nullified 30 years of self-determination for the small Armenian republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh).

In his 186-page book, Aliprandi scrutinises the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, delving into its historical and legal aspects. Additionally, he provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic and energy implications that have significant consequences for Italy, the European Union, and their relationships with the key stakeholders involved.

Following a concise examination of the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (the third, after the initial conflict in the 1990s and the brief five-day war of 2016), the author focused on the regional circumstances during the past three years post-war, emphasising the challenges pertaining to the territories kept by Armenia and those seized by Azerbaijan.

A book that guides the reader through the challenging peace negotiations, the complexities of Armenian-Turkish relations, and the significant roles played by Russia, the United States, and the European Union, as they vie for regional dominance.

A red thread that highlights the complexity of a conflict that, although limited to an area of a few thousand square kilometres, reserves international implications (and complications).

The resulting consequences have led to a gradual deterioration of the situation, culminating in the events of 2023. These events included a ten-month Azerbaijani siege on the Armenian population, a final attack in September, and the subsequent mass departure of all Armenian residents from the region.

In light of Aliprandi’s research, the Armenian-Azerbaijani dispute, far from being resolved, continues to be a matter of great importance and an indicator of potential future developments concerning President Aliyev’s territorial ambitions in Armenia and the gradual progress towards peace.

The volume encompasses also a historical chronology and a chronology after the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, both of which are key components for readers to acquire insight into the local dynamics and establish connections with regional and international geopolitical dynamics in the future.

For further information about the region, the reader can consult our sections dedicated to the Caucasus, Armenia, and the Nagorno-Karabakh or visit our research editorial project Kavkaz Files ISSN 2975-0474

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