Book Review “Geopolitics and Cryptopolitics”
Read the review of the book “Geopolitika i Kriptopolitika” (Geopolitics and Cryptopolitics), written by Ljubiša Despotović and Vanja Glišin, which aims to explain at least a small part of the mechanisms of conspiratorial processes and cryptopolitical interests that are behind many agendas.
Review of the book “La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh” written by Emanuele Aliprandi
SpecialEurasia reviewed the book “La Guerra per il Nagorno Karabakh” written by Emanuele Aliprandi. In the book, the author explored the situation in the South Caucasus, especially the last years of conflict/confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh and the Armenian population’s struggle for peace.
Understanding the Global Geopolitical Risk and Current Crisis
The magazine Opinio Juris – Law and Political Review has dedicated its fourth volume titled “Archi di Crisi” to current crisis, ‘frozen’ and/or forgotten conflicts, and potential future wars by focusing on the most relevant cases since, as mentioned before, the number of current conflicts and crisis areas in the world is huge.