Iran and Georgia relations in the contemporary Caucasian dynamics

Iran and Georgia
Read and download “Iran and Georgia relations in the contemporary Caucasian dynamics” Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 2 Year 2023 by clicking on the picture

Title: Iran and Georgia relations in the contemporary Caucasian dynamics

Publication: Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X

Authors: Silvia Boltuc

Citation: Silvia Boltuc, “Iran and Georgia relations in the contemporary Caucasian dynamics”, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X, Vol.2, 2023, pp. 4-10

Abstract in English

While Iran and Georgia maintain diplomatic relations, there are several challenges that have limited their ability to develop a stronger and more cooperative relationship. On the one hand, Iran and Georgia have had historical cultural and economic ties, and both countries have expressed interest in developing closer relations. On the other hand, Georgia’s close relationship with the United States, which has imposed economic sanctions on Iran, and Tbilisi’s confrontation with Moscow, which is a strategic partner for Tehran, have undermined the Iranian-Georgian relations. This paper wants to examine the current status of Tehran-Tbilisi relations and assess possible future geopolitical scenarios concerning these two actors and the regional Caucasian dynamics.

Keywords: Iran, Georgia, geopolitics, Caucasus, United States, Russia

Abstract in Italiano

Anche se Iran e Georgia mantengono e loro relazioni diplomatiche, sono diverse le sfide che limitano le possibilità che i due paesi sviluppino una cooperazione maggiore. Da un lato, infatti, Iran e Georgia hanno per secoli avuto rapporti economici e culturali ed entrambe le parti hanno espresso la volontà e interesse nello sviluppare una cooperazione maggiore. Dall’altro lato, invece, la collaborazione e vicinanza della Georgia con gli Stati Uniti, attore che ha imposto le sanzioni ai danni dell’Iran, e lo scontro esistente tra Tbilisi e Mosca (con cui invece Teheran ha rapporti strategici e privilegiai), hanno limitato e minato le relazioni iraniane-georgiane. Questo paper si prefigge come obiettivo quello di esaminare l’attuale situazione delle relazioni tra Teheran e Tbilisi e stimare possibili scenari futuri geopolitici inerenti questi due attori e in ottica regionale caucasica.

Parole chiave: Iran, Georgia, geopolitica, Caucaso, Stati Uniti, Russia

Author bio

Silvia Boltuc, SpecialEurasia Managing Director, is an international affairs specialist, business consultant and political analyst who has supported private and public institutions in decision-making by providing reports, risk assessments, and consultancy. She is also the Director of the Energy & Engineering Department of CeSEM – Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo and an editor/analyst at the Italian media agencies Notizie Geopolitiche, Opinio Juris, and European Affairs Magazine. Previously, she worked as an Associate Director at ASRIE Analytica. She co-authored the book “Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l’Europa” (Enigma Edizioni 2022).

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