Geopolitics of the North Caucasus: An Analysis of Local Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Peoples
In this paper published in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Vol. 4 Year 2023, the author Giuliano Bifolchi delves into the multifaceted approach undertaken by the Russian government in managing the diverse ethnic groups and indigenous people residing in the North Caucasus.
Analisi delle relazioni bilaterali tra Afghanistan e Turkmenistan
In questa ricerca pubblicata in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 4 Year 2023, Carlo Parissi si è posto come obiettivo quello di illustrare la storia delle relazioni bilaterali tra Afghanistan e Turkmenistan, i loro rapporti economici, gli sforzi congiunti in campo energetico e alcune problematiche derivanti dalla situazione afghana.
Analysing Ethnic Minorities and Identity in Contemporary Iran
In this paper published in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Vol. 4 Year 2023, the author Silvia Boltuc offer a concise overview of the principal ethnic minorities existing in contemporary Iran, shedding light on their religious backgrounds and historical trajectories.
Tensions at the Border Between Pakistan and Afghanistan: An Analysis
In this paper published in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Vol. 4 Year 2023, the author Gabriele Massano examined tensions at the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and the impact of the Taliban and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Pakistani security situation.
SpecialEurasia published Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 4 Year 2023
In our latest publication, Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 4 Year 2023, SpecialEurasia delves into the complex tapestry of international relations, focusing on ethnic minorities, indigenous populations, and the intricate web of bilateral relations and security issues.
Kazakhstan’s Role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and its Contribution to Stabilise Central Asia
SpecialEurasian, in collaboration with CeSEM – Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo, published the English and Italian version of Geopolitical Report 2532-845X Special Issue 2 Year 2023 titled “Kazakhstan’s Role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and Its Contribution to Stabilise Central Asia”.
Illicit Fentanyl: A Geopolitical and Open Source Analysis
This report endeavours to analyse the issue of the illegal fentanyl market proliferation in the United States and North America, aiming to delineate its primary facets pertaining to geopolitics and security. Additionally, this work strives, through various Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigative methodologies, to demonstrate the ease with which fentanyl consumers and buyers can access…
La Strategia Marittima Iraniana nel Golfo Persico tra Esigenze Nazionali e Tattiche Non Convenzionali
SpecialEurasia ha pubblicato Geopolitical Report Special Issue 1/2023 ISSN 2532-845X dal titolo “La Strategia Marittima Iraniana nel Golfo Persico tra Esigenze Nazionali e Tattiche Non Convenzionali” il cui obiettivo è quello di analizzare il comparto marittimo militare iraniano e le implicazioni geopolitiche della strategia di Teheran nell’area del Golfo.
Iran and Georgia relations in the contemporary Caucasian dynamics
In this paper published in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Vol. 2 Year 2023, the author examined the current status of Tehran-Tbilisi relations and assess possible future geopolitical scenarios concerning these two actors and the regional Caucasian dynamics.
The second Karabakh war and Iran’s interests
In this paper published in Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Vol. 2 Year 2023, the author investigated the Iranian position on the second Karabakh war and Tehran’s attempts to stabilise the region and promote its economic and political partnerships.
SpecialEurasia published Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 2 Year 2023
SpecialEurasia, in partnership with MInter Group SRL, Notizie Geopolitiche, and Mondo Internazionale ASP, published Geopolitical Report ISSN 2532-845X Volume 2 Year 2023 focused on Iranian strategy in the South Caucasus.