Last night SpecialEurasia platform faced a cyber attack, but our team managed to overcome the problem and restore the website and its activity.
As reported in our monitoring reports on cyber security (Ukraine conflict and cybercriminals; Ukraine conflict: cyber warfare and geopolitical risk), cyber-attacks have risen in the last months, increasing the geopolitical risk level. Since the beginning of our activity, SpecialEurasia has registered malicious activities and several attempts to crack our security system and access our portal.
Yesterday, SpecialEurasia recorded a massive cyber attack which attempted to bring down the website, but our team managed to control the situation and overcome the problem. Consequently, we had to restore our platform’s perfect functionality and security, and we decided to use the previous template with some changes.
SpecialEurasia is committed to guaranteeing its work and team’s security and providing a high standard level of geopolitical forecasting and intelligence analysis reports. In our opinion, what happened last night is a sign of our success and professional work. The latest event our team attended and promoted on April 23rd, 2022, in San Marino on the Ukraine conflict (Work shop “Storia di un conflitto. Dall’Euromaidan ai giorni nostri”, San Marino 23 aprile 2022) confirmed again that the local and international public audience and entrepreneurial world strongly appreciate our activities, projects and work.