Iranian Oil Refining Capacity and Pricing Strategies in 2025
Iran has launched significant initiatives to enhance its oil refining capacity and optimise its global export strategy. This includes plans to modernise existing refineries, construct new facilities, and expand export destinations, with a focus on Asian, African, and Latin American markets.
Might Iraq become one of the future European oil and gas leading suppliers?
Iraq has the world’s third-largest proven conventional petroleum reserves after Saudi Arabia and Iran. Recent developments in the oil and gas field suggest that the Middle Eastern country might be one of the future European leading suppliers.
Oman: regional role, development strategy and media. Report from Muscat
Located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, the Sultanate of Oman has elaborated a strategy to establish balanced relations with regional and international actors, improve social living conditions, attract foreign direct investments (FDIs), and promote its historical identity and traditions.
How could the nuclear energy impact the oil and gas market in the Middle East?
SpecialEurasia published the second report of our project “Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in Eurasia” titled “How could the nuclear energy impact the oil and gas market in the Middle East?” in partnership with ASRIE Analytica and CeSEM – Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo.
Turkmenistan and Tatarstan strengthened their economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Tatarstan aim to increase their economic cooperation and trade turnover and create a favourable environment to support joint projects, investments, and economic development. Tatarstan foreign policy in Central Asia is becoming more active and supporting Moscow’s regional strategy.