Tajikistan: Prison Riot and the Rising Islamic State Threats
Tajik security forces suppressed an attempted prison break in Vahdat’s Colony No. 3/2, where Islamic State supporters staged a coordinated attack on guards. Official reports indicate that security forces killed three insurgents and detained the rest, though images suggest a higher casualty count.
Afghanistan: the Killing of a Chinese Worker Might Compromise the Sino-Taliban Relations
This report evaluates the geopolitical and security implications of the recent killing of a Chinese worker in Afghanistan, focusing specifically on the Sino-Taliban relationship. The analysis considers the role of militant groups operating across the border and forecasts potential outcomes that could affect China’s strategic objectives in Central Asia and its broader regional influence.
ISKP Threats to Shi’a Community in its Latest Issue of “Voice of Khurasan”
This report examines the content and implications of the article “Why Do Mujahideen of the Islamic State Make Rawafidh the Target of Their Operations and Turn Their Cities into Cemeteries?”, which serves as an ideological manifesto, justifying the Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan’s (ISKP) ongoing campaign of violence against Shi’a Muslims.
Afghanistan: Taliban Celebrated 3 Years of Their Rule Amid Security Problems
This report evaluates the implications of Taliban’s third anniversary celebrations amid persistent security threats from groups like the Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan (ISKP) and assesses the Taliban’s ability to maintain stability in Afghanistan.
ISKP Article “The Caliphate: the Last Pillar of the Islamic Nation” Praised the 10th Anniversary of the Islamic State
Al Azaim Foundation, the ISKP media branch, recently published an article titled “The Caliphate: the Last Pillar of the Islamic Nation” which underscored the group’s ideological commitment to the concept of the Caliphate, hailing it as a divinely ordained entity and portraying it as the ultimate saviour of the Islamic Ummah (community).
Analysis of the Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan’s Video Message “Followers of al-Yahud”
Al Azaim Foundation, the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) media wing, recently released a video titled “Followers of the Jews” that represents a strategic attempt to undermine the Taliban’s religious authority in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: the terrorist attack in Kabul highlights an unstable domestic security situation
The Islamic State terrorist attack against the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Afghanistan in Kabul stressed the unstable situation in the country and the Taliban’s inability to face terrorism and jihadist groups. Although the Taliban claimed that they had upgraded the national security situation since they took power in August 2021, the number of violent attacks…
Islamic State Khurasan published a video targeting Taliban government’s ties with the international community
Recently, a video published by Al-Azaim Foundation, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP)’s mouthpiece in the region, harshly lashed out against the Taliban and their relations with the international community and particularly neighbouring countries, including Pakistan, China, and Russia.