Call for Papers “Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in Eurasia”

Call for Papers Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in Eurasia
The picture shows the nuclear power plant in Cattenom, France (Credits: Stefan Kühn, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

We are looking for contributions for our publication titled “Geopolitics of Nuclear Energy in Eurasia”, which will focus the attention on the role of nuclear energy in Eurasian countries’ policies and economic strategy.

The publication will host papers and contributions in English and/or Italian that will be distributed in a special issue released by Opinio Juris – Law and Politics Review (ISSN 2531-6931) in partnership with SpecialEurasia and CeSEM – Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo.

We invite analysts, academics of any educational and professional level (MA, PhD, Post-Doc and beyond), journalists, and experts from different sectors to submit papers on the geopolitics of nuclear energy in Eurasia including but not limited to:

  • The role of atomic energy in Eurasia
  • Atomic energy and ecological transition
  • ENI and its nuclear energy technology
  • Nuclear energy’s role in Russian economic development and energy diversification
  • Chinese nuclear energy and the Belt and Road Initiative
  • French nuclear program and the Force de Frappe
  • Nuclear power plants: possibilities and threats in the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard
  • How nuclear energy might influence the oil & gas market in the Middle East
  • The threat of nuclear terrorism in Eurasia
  • New technologies in the nuclear energy industry

Deadline: 28 February 2022

Please, send your contribution to

Editorial Guidelines

Please, respect the following guidelines and the format of the text reported by our organisation. These are the general guidelines of the document you should send us in word format. Each paper should have:

A Title, author(s) name, a brief biography in Italian and/or English of the author (s) and possible affiliations, abstract in English and/or Italian (200/300 words), 5-6 keywords in English and/or Italian. Text in English OR Italian (according to the author’s will). References APA Style in the footnotes.


Times New Roman 12, justify first line indent 0.6, line spacing 1.5, 2,500-4,000 words. Title: Times New Roman 14 bold, Paragraphs’ titles: Times New Roman 12 bold and italic


Times New Roman 10, justify, only for quotes and essential data.

Bibliographic References

Insert your references in the Footnotes. Please follow the instructions below.

BOOK: Author (Year of Publication) Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.

ACADEMIC JOURNAL: Author (Year of Publication) Title of work. Academic Journal name, Volume and number issue, pp.

NEWSPAPER: Author (Year) Article title. Magazine Title, pp.

ONLINE ARTICLE: Author (Year of Publication) Article title. Website. Link (accessed data).

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