Geostrategy and military competition in the Pacific
The geostrategic importance that the Pacific Ocean has recently assumed can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by the United States and China, the two most militarily active states within some regions of this Ocean.
Afghanistan briefing: regional and international foreign relations
Since U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed the NATO troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, several regional and international actors have demonstrated their commitment to support the Afghan transition peace process and exploit the possible geopolitical vacuum left by Washington.
US strategy in Kazakhstan: more investments and economic partnership
According to the new US strategy in Central Asia, the White House is expanding trade partnerships and investments in Kazakhstan, which aspires to improve independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity in the so-called Stan Countries and strengthen Washington’s presence in one of the most strategic regions in the world.
Russia confirms its interests in Afghanistan
The Russian ambassador in Afghanistan, Dmitry Zhirnov, confirmed the Kremlin’s interests in improving its diplomatic and commercial relations with Kabul and supporting the national peace process without any forms of foreign interference. Zhirnov’s words underlined the Russian desire to play a strategic role in Afghanistan and counter the United States and Chinese presence.
The escalation between Washington and Beijing after the China consulate’s closure in Houston
The U.S. order to close the Chinese consulate in Houston accused of conducting spying activities to steal secret information on new technologies marks a new escalation between Washington and Beijing whose consequences on the international arena might be dangerous and create a fracture during the COVID-19 crisis between those countries allied with the United States…
Guerra dell’informazione: il Cremlino accusa The Jamestown Foundation
Il Procuratore Generale della Federazione Russa ha dichiarato la Jamestown Foundation un’organizzazione ‘indesiderata’ a causa di una serie di articoli pubblicati in merito all’area del Caucaso nordoccidentale i quali fomenterebbero il disordine e le divisioni settarie.
Guerra dell’informazione: il Cremlino accusa Jamestown Foundation
Nella ‘guerra all’informazione’ che ha contraddistinto il confronto/scontro tra gli Stati Uniti e la Russia il Cremlino ha individuato il think tank statunitense The Jamestown Foundation come una ‘minaccia’ per la sicurezza e unità del paese.
Washington signed a deal with the Taliban, but this is not the end of the war
The U.S.-Taliban deal allows Washington to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan but does not represent the war’s end. Undeniably, the Taliban and other terrorist organisations still threaten the Afghan people and national security.
Washington signed a deal with the Taliban, but this is not the end of the war
The US – Taliban deal should be only interpreted as an agreement between Washington and a specific group of Taliban for the safe passage of the US troops’ withdrawal. The agreement was welcomed as a success in diplomacy. However, the war in the country cannot be considered over since in Afghanistan several factions of Taliban…
Qasim al-Raymi, the leader of AQAP, killed by US raid
The White House confirmed the killing of Qasim al-Raymi, the leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Ayman al-Zawahiri’s right-hand man. Donald Trump commented on this event, stating that eliminating al-Raymi is a message for AQAP and the international terrorism network. It is a step forward to defeating terrorism in the MENA region.