CIS meeting and the Russian strategy in Eurasia
The recent CIS meeting underlined the Kremlin’s strategy to strengthen its influence in Eurasia through military cooperation and diplomacy. In an era characterised by confrontation with the United States and the rise of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Russia confirms its desire to be the principal player in Eurasia.
Afghanistan today: between humanitarian crisis and the Taliban rule. Interview with H.E. Khaled Ahmad Zekriya, Ambassador of Afghanistan in Italy
After the US-NATO troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover of power by force, once again the international community is confronted with the humanitarian and political crisis in Afghanistan. Despite the imposition of an Islamic Emirate and implementation of radical Islamist sharīʿa inside Afghanistan, several regional powers have pondered on the idea of officially…
Tehran meeting on Afghanistan underlines Iranian regional strategy
The meeting on Afghanistan organised in Tehran confirms the Iranian desire to have a major role in Afghan and regional dynamics and stressed how several Asian countries are strongly promoting greater regional cooperation that in the future might contrast Western local interests and presence.
Indian interests in Tajikistan in the emerging regional dynamics
Since India seeks to strengthen its position and influence in Central Asia to counter China and Pakistan and Tajikistan needs to diversify its international partners, New Delhi – Dushanbe economic and diplomatic partnership might have a geopolitical effect on regional dynamics.
Turkmenistan increases economic and energy cooperation with Russia
Turkmenistan seeks regional and international partners to strengthen the national economic performance and attract investors in infrastructural projects. Recent meetings between Turkmen and Russian official representatives and companies underline the Kremlin’s strategy to increase its presence in the country and Ashgabat’s necessity to diversify its commercial partners.
Pakistan strategy in the Caspian Sea between Iran and Azerbaijan
Islamabad strategy in the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard aims at strengthening cooperation with Iran and Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea to create a transit corridor that might boost Pakistani import-export and commercial trade in the region.
Azerbaijan-Iran crisis and Tehran-Yerevan’s new transit route
The growing tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan (backed by Turkey) might destabilise the Caucasus and create problems for the transit corridors which cross the region. In this context, to counter the Azerbaijani project of the Zangezur transit corridor, Tehran might establish a new transportation route with Armenia.
German investments in Uzbek energy sector
Since the Republic of Uzbekistan aims at becoming the energy epicentre of Central Asia by establishing a series of energy production infrastructure and, consequently, attracting foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the country, Germany has shown its interests as confirmed by the recent 1,1 billion euro agreement between German banks and Uzbekneftegaz to expand the capacity…
Iran-Russia cooperation might support Tehran’s foreign strategy in Eurasia
The meeting between the Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Amir Abdollahian and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov highlights that Iran seeks to strengthen its cooperation with Russia to support its new foreign policy based on regional cooperation and commercial trade.
A San Marino si parla del rafforzamento dei rapporti russo-sammarinesi
Il giorno 7 ottobre 2021 a San Marino il partito politico Libera organizzerà un evento volto ad analizzare e promuovere le relazioni tra il Titano e il Cremlino a seguito della recente visita in Russia del Segretario di Stato agli Esteri della Repubblica di San Marino Luca Beccari e del suo incontro con il Ministro…
Iran e Kirghizistan discutono la cooperazione regionale
Il 21 settembre ha preso il via la 76° sessione dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite. I rappresentanti degli Stati che hanno preso parte all’evento, tra cui Iran e Kirghizistan, ne hanno approfittato per svolgere una serie di incontri a margine e attuare le loro strategie regionali attraverso accordi bilaterali e memorandum d’intesa.
Turkmenistan And Uzbekistan Strenghtened Their Cooperation
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are strengthening their cooperation and partnership in different fields, confirming Tashkent’s desire to exploit the Turkmen soil as a transport corridor to the Caspian Sea and the European market.
Russian elections 2021: report from Kronshtadt
The Russian elections started today among the rumours and allegations that international media have reported on the legitimacy of the Russian electoral process. SpecialEurasia had the opportunity to visit some polling stations in Kronshtadt to evaluate the transparency of the Russian elections.
Russia discussed with India security cooperation in Afghanistan
The recent visit of Nikolai Patrushev to India underlines prospects of cooperation between Moscow and New Delhi on regional security and geopolitics, particularly after the U.S. troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban rise to power.
Iran increases its cooperation with Russia
Due to the U.S. sanctions, Iran has shifted its foreign policy looking for regional actors with whom to reach a new partnership. Therefore, in the last years, we have witnessed an increase in cooperation between Tehran and Moscow in different fields.