Iranian Azeri, the (almost) forgotten minority and their (in)direct impact on Iranian regional policies
Geopolitical Report ISSN 2785-2598 Volume 15 Issue 2 – Among the numerous issues that impact Iran-Azerbaijan relations, considering the recent events which have interested the Caucasus region and the Iranian-Azerbaijani dialogue, it is fundamental to analyse the ethnic minority of Azeri who live on the Iranian territory and influence Tehran’s domestic and regional policies.
Lebanon-Italy: same problems and a common way out? A comparative proposal between two centralised countries that can benefit from a localistic reform (Part 2)
The current Lebanese situation does not require an exacerbation of the tension among its components and a revival of additional factors of fear and caution, but rather a search for exits that mitigate tensions and reassure all communities about their existence and their cultural, social, and political specificities.
Lebanon-Italy: same problems and a common way out? A comparative proposal between two centralized countries that can benefit from a localistic reform (Part 1)
Lebanon and Italy have many common traits and some apparent differences. Both are centralised countries with marked differences between territories; both are experiencing a long-term political-institutional deadlock and wonder how to get out.
Kurdistan – United States assessed their relations and regional policy
The Manama Dialogue in Bahrain highlighted that the United States are still interested in Middle Eastern geopolitics and dynamics. In this regard, the White House might increase its cooperation and connection with Kurdistan to coordinate the fight against the Islamic State and contrast the Iranian and Russian presence and influence in the region.
Russia-Iran entente on Eurasian current issues and dynamics
The recent telephone talk between Putin and Raisi highlighted Russia-Iran cooperation on geopolitical, security, and economic issues in Eurasia and Moscow-Tehran’s desire to strengthen their partnership and collaboration on Afghanistan, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Russian strategy in the Middle East. An interview with Alexander Hoffmann
Since the so-called Arab Spring and concurrently with the U.S. slow disengagement from the Middle East, the Russian Federation has become a significant geopolitical actor in the Arab-Muslim world. Understanding Russian foreign policy with key Middle Eastern geopolitical actors and the Russian state companies’ activities is fundamental to forecasting possible future trends in the area.
Greece between the hammer and the anvil: geopolitical games in the eastern Aegean
Since its birth after the 1821 war against the Ottoman Empire, the Modern Greek state has always been linked to the then three major powers: France, the U.K., and Russia, with the U.K. being substituted by the U.S. during the 20th century to contain the Soviet threat. This dependency is still a reality in Greek…
Tehran meeting on Afghanistan underlines Iranian regional strategy
The meeting on Afghanistan organised in Tehran confirms the Iranian desire to have a major role in Afghan and regional dynamics and stressed how several Asian countries are strongly promoting greater regional cooperation that in the future might contrast Western local interests and presence.
Pakistan strategy in the Caspian Sea between Iran and Azerbaijan
Islamabad strategy in the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard aims at strengthening cooperation with Iran and Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea to create a transit corridor that might boost Pakistani import-export and commercial trade in the region.
Geopolitics of UAE investments in Central Asia
The United Arab Emirates are among the Gulf countries the most active in Central Asia, as demonstrated by the participation of an Emirati business delegation at the International Business Forum Dushanbe-Invest 2021. Abu Dabhi’s investments in Tajikistan highlight Emirati strategy in the country and, generally speaking, in Central Asia to exploit economic opportunities and investment…
Iran-Russia cooperation might support Tehran’s foreign strategy in Eurasia
The meeting between the Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Amir Abdollahian and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov highlights that Iran seeks to strengthen its cooperation with Russia to support its new foreign policy based on regional cooperation and commercial trade.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Mediterranean Sea
The geostrategic importance that the Mediterranean Sea has assumed in recent years can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by Russia, the United States and some of its allies (Italy, Spain, France), identifiable as the states most militarily active within some regions of this geo-maritime space.
Iran e Kirghizistan discutono la cooperazione regionale
Il 21 settembre ha preso il via la 76° sessione dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite. I rappresentanti degli Stati che hanno preso parte all’evento, tra cui Iran e Kirghizistan, ne hanno approfittato per svolgere una serie di incontri a margine e attuare le loro strategie regionali attraverso accordi bilaterali e memorandum d’intesa.
UAE Investment Interests In Kyrgyzstan
The United Arab Emirates are interested in investing in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan and financing infrastructural, economic, energy, and social projects to become a key actor in a country affected by a massive debt with China.
Iran increases its cooperation with Russia
Due to the U.S. sanctions, Iran has shifted its foreign policy looking for regional actors with whom to reach a new partnership. Therefore, in the last years, we have witnessed an increase in cooperation between Tehran and Moscow in different fields.