TAPI Pipeline Project and the US-NATO Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan. An interview with Ambassador Khaled Ahmad Zekriya
Since the United States signed the Doha Peace Agreement with the Taliban group, numerous analyses and reports have been written on the future of Afghanistan. Now with the latest announcement made by the US President Joe Biden on the US and NATO complete troop withdrawal from Afghanistan starting on May 1st, 2021 and ending by…
Turkey and pan-Turkism in Central Asia: challenges for Russia and China
The recent online summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States stressed Ankara’s desire to enhance the cooperation with Central Asian countries elevating its geopolitical role and threatening China and Russia with pan-Turkism ideology.
Iran e Tagikistan discutono la cooperazione nel settore sicurezza
Il presidente del Tagikistan Emomali Rahmon ha incontrato il ministro degli Interni iraniano Abdurrizo Rahmonia Fazil per discutere progetti congiunti nel settore sicurezza, evento che sottolinea l’interesse di Teheran nel promuovere la propria strategia in Asia centrale.
L’ascesa della Corea del Sud nello scacchiere geopolitico dell’Asia Centrale
La Corea del Sud è diventata negli ultimi anni uno dei maggiori partner commerciali per le repubbliche dell’Asia centrale del Kazakistan e dell’Uzbekistan e, grazie al suo slancio economico, potrebbe imporsi come un attore geopolitico emergente in grado di fronteggiare la Russia e la Cina e supportare gli Stati Uniti nello scacchiere strategico regionale.
Gasdotto TAPI tra speranze future e interessi geopolitici
Il recente incontro tra i rappresentanti del Governo turkmeno e i talebani sembra aver dato nuove speranze per la realizzazione del progetto del gasdotto TAPI, infrastruttura che all’interno dello scacchiere geopolitico euroasiatico vede scontrarsi gli interessi di attori internazionali (Stati Uniti, Russia, Cina) e regionali.
Investment opportunities and key sectors in Kyrgyzstan
Albeit in 2020 Kyrgyzstan experienced a contraction of foreign direct investments due to Covid-19 this post-Soviet republic might become an interesting market for foreign investors who aim at penetrating the Central Asian market which plays a significant role in the geopolitical Eurasian chessboard.
Stati Uniti ed Europa supportano il settore energetico del Tagikistan
L’Agenzia degli Stati Uniti per lo Sviluppo Internazionale (USAID) e la Banca Europea per la Ricostruzione e lo Sviluppo (EBRD) hanno confermato il loro impegno nel supportare il settore energetico del Tagikistan focalizzando l’attenzione sulle energie rinnovabili e sul rendere le forniture energetiche accessibili a tutta la popolazione.
Political crisis in Kyrgyzstan
The Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan is experiencing a deep political crisis after the recent parliamentary elections. The country lacks clear leadership, the government forbade several people to leave the country, and the Kremlin had described the situation of the former Soviet republic as ‘messy and chaotic’.
Qatari interests in Turkmenistan underline Central Asia’s geopolitical role
Qatar expressed interest in implementing major projects in the Republic of Turkmenistan. The Arab country aims at playing a significant role in Central Asia, trying to boost its influence and political-economic presence in Turkmenistan, a post-Soviet republic well-known for its energy resources and strategic position.
China, top investor in the Tajik economy
The People’s Republic of China is the main investor in the Central Asian republic of Tajikistan. In fact, since 2013, when Beijing launched the Belt and Road Initiative, China has invested significant financial funds in Central Asia to modernise regional infrastructure and stabilise this strategic area.
A new European Union strategy for Central Asia
The European Union is developing a new approach toward Central Asia with the purpose of being better engaged in regional economic and political dynamics. Brussels elaborated this new strategy although EU is facing serious internal problems and its presence in Central Asia might produce a divergence with Russia, the United States and China.